Miami Psychiatrist Using DNA Info to Prescribe Medication

In the course of working with patients in therapy, I sometimes encourage them to also see a Psychiatrist for medication. I have observed that many patients are fearful of medication because of negative past experiences, the most common being trying an antidepressant once and having horrible side effects. Fortunately, there is now a way to choose an antidepressant based on one’s body chemistry to minimize the risk of side effects and increase efficacy.

Dr. Melissa Jackson, a Psychiatrist in Midtown Miami, is using groundbreaking medical technology to help choose the best combination of medications for her patients. The Genecept Assay is a genetic saliva test panel used to help predict which psychiatric medications will work best for an individual and cause the least side effects based on the individual’s DNA. She works with a company called Genomind ( who use the term “personalized medicine” to describe the philosophy behind their method of using detected genetic variations to determine the body’s response to a drug.

I have referred patients to Dr. Jackson for medication consultations and been incredibly impressed with the results. As a supplement to her psychopharmacology expertise Dr. Jackson utilizes the DNA saliva test to help her make more informed medication recommendations, which ultimately helps patients recover faster.

Dr. Melissa Jackson is a graduate of the University of Florida College of Medicine. She is a Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist who is double Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology for children, adolescents, and adults. She is located in the Wynwood/Design District of Miami. Read about her at

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